2022 Trends Hair cut: Short hair- Self -love 1/4

Bikini Kill , punk. Sinéad O'Connor. Don't worry about the establishment and similar nonsense. If you like punk or an Irish singer - her hairstyle is a hit in 2022. Look at - other trends. The conclusion of the spring-summer tetralogy awaits you.
The long-awaited time is coming. The time when I want to introduce
you to the peak of the tetralogy for spring and summer 2022 on this
Originally, you were supposed to see the end of teralogy already in June 2022. If you have been waiting, thank you very much for your patience. I was invited to the events (and I will gradually share my experiences with you. There were so many of these experiences that they will last you as readers and me as an author until the spring of 2023.
And I will use part of them only for the upcoming surprise. In the meantime, the planned articles. E.g. return to topic November 2021 - two events. Great autumn spent. Now sit back and read. First we started with Romance and an ode to contemporary men, friends, lovers dressed in Renaissance costumes and Renaissance shirts, Happy surfing (On the waves of happiness). Then I described the Danish designers in time for the Danish summer. Part 1-3 will be available to read until October 15th at 20:30. The conclusion of this series will belong to: Self-love.
the summer of 2022, I discovered an article in which I discovered the
new trend of clavi cut, etc. This part of the tetralogy will have
separate subsections:Short hair,Rebel, Change and Long hair.
In each section,
there will be trendy hairstyles for men as well. I have included other
haircuts for short hair in the change article.
For example, a bixie,
pixie or wolfcut or mohawk cut is waiting there. Mohawk belongs to the
category of short hair, but I decided to include it in the second part -
Self-love: hair cut change.That is, parts of how the online magazine
sees it.
Short hair cut inspiration :https://www.pinterest.de/pin/588212401306228387/
Watch videos of punk bands.
Also look at the materials (photos, flyers) of punk bands that were outside mainstream MTV, etc. Maybe your father, mother, aunt was a punk and you don't even know about it.
You can watch punk bands from the 80s. You can try a sheer cut - cut out the sides with a machine - either smooth or smooth on one side and the other side with ornaments or a motto. The third option is clear + double-sided ornaments. Check out your punk rock or rock band.
Color combinations: You can use classic colors for punk. Blond, black, brown, auburn, rust, or highlights.
boldness - I know that there is a little concern about this color among
men, if you are not afraid, you can choose this color. The mentioned
color is so-called platinum or gray platinum, or gray
When punk is alive: I saw a documentary about punk - Iggy Pop performed
there, and they talked about the androgynous perception of the body or
is a big hit with both men and women. This means that a woman can also
wear a hairstyle worn by a man. The androgyny of the hearttrob-bob cut
is coming back from the 90s
Short hair: Roxette, Bikini Kill,Sinéad O'Connor, 4 Non Blondes.
Hair cut trend with for lovers, friends, for you (if you don't like the short hair offer) and LGBTQ+. All haircuts are LGBTQ+ suits and friendly.
Rebel cut
Hair cut of change
Long hair