
To remind you of this year's spring and revive your memories of it, I have now decided to write an article about the Portuguese Fashion Week. So you can warm up in autumn and winter.

The long-awaited time is coming. The time when I want to introduce you to the peak of the tetralogy for spring and summer 2022 on this blog. Originally, you were supposed to see the end of teralogy already in June 2022. If you have been waiting, thank you very much for your patience. I was invited to the events (and...

I haven't written an article about business in a long time. Last in November. And since I still consider the topic of establishing food banks to be very, very important and crucial, I will keep the blog article for some time to come. In addition to the classic stone food bank, I will be happy to help and advise you...

Nadchází slíbená chvíle. Představím Vám trendy z Copenhagenu pro jaro a léto 2022 a ( jak doufám pro léto 2023. Protože doufám,že trendy , které Vám představím budete nosit více než jednu sezonu.
Klasická próza nebo vyprávění má jak jsme se učili v hodinách esejí nebo slohových cvičeních danou strukturu. Úvod, stať a závěr. Podobně jsem původně...

Classical prose or narration has a given structure, as we learned in essay lessons or style exercises. Introduction, article and conclusion. I originally wanted to start similarly. However, I like logical (positive chaos). You may say what nonsense is. Logical chaos is a violation of conventions that does no harm to anyone, does not torment anyone....

Klassische Prosa oder Erzählung hat eine vorgegebene Struktur, wie wir sie im Aufsatzunterricht oder in Stilübungen gelernt haben. Einleitung, Artikel und Schluss. Ich wollte ursprünglich ähnlich anfangen. Allerdings mag ich logisches (positives Chaos) Sie fragen sich vielleicht, was das für ein Unsinn ist. Logisches Chaos ist ein Verstoß gegen...

With this article, we are in the middle of a tetralogy dating from May to June. After a romance in which we were intoxicated by romance and masculinity, resulting from Renaissance models or Robin Hood, the second part of Summer Surfing on the Waves of Happiness comes, followed by the Danish Summer.
I will introduce you to...

Tento článek jsem měla nachystaný už od srpna, pak přišlo nachlazení, alergie na plísně, čas strávený venku, u vody nebo na fashion weeku a tom až někdy příště.
Když jsem byla venku na procházce, na zahradě jsem dělala společnost mamince , tatínkovi a kolem běhala naše holčička, který miluje zahradní techniku(až do té míry , když jsem...

This time I will focus on the Danish Fashion Week. As I promised, articles about Copenhagen Fashion Week 2021 are waiting for you. I got to this Fashion Week by accident. As I mentioned, on the one hand, I was excited about Lisbon, on the other hand, I was disappointed with other fashion events. I suddenly remembered a television documentary...