Lead role :Croptop played the lead role in the film Crop top  in late autumn October and 31th October- part1


Lead role :Crop top. Film Crop top in late autumn October and 31th October- part1

I had this article ready since August, then came the common cold, allergies to mold, time spent outside, by the water or on the fashion week, and then sometime next time.
When I was out for a walk, I kept my mother and dad company in the garden, and our little girl (who loves garden equipment) ran around (to the extent that I wanted to help with the skin, always poke and pull me as if to say, "Your work is something else. "So I was left to sort the fruits we grow at home. I definitely thought of the topic when I accompanied my mother to Mladá Boleslav. The theme of autumn is crop top. In my opinion, you can wear crop top from late October to winter.
Crop top
How to wear a crop top in late autumn and make it a major star? Croptop is a short top, revealing the abdomen. Clearly. But why not change the truth. Get a croptop two or three sizes bigger than you normally wear.
Or choose your usual size, a maximum of 1 larger than you normally choose and complete the outfit with a coat, cardigan, jacket or denim jacket, bomber.
I will leave the choice of store in which you buy a coat, bomber, jacket, cardigan to you. I assume you use it you already have in your wardrobe.


Jeans and fastfashion dilemma.

Fast fashion - a term we refer to chains that spew fashion too fast, fabrics and products come from countries like Bangladesh, India, China, etc. Wages and working conditions are poor. But what to do when you have fast fashion jeans at home?
1)Lying and wearing them for denied?
2)Wear only jeans from Rodebjer and similar sustainable designers and brands.
3)Wear cheap "quick fashion" jeans and translate the speech elsewhere when you mention their unethicalness. (Which I don't highly recommend.)
4)Combine sustainable designers, sew pants.
5)Combine clothes from sustainable designers, sustainable models from Zalando, Soya Concept etc., DIY sewn clothes and clothes from POP UP store.
6)You can wear and improve the Fast Fashion model with your own design, and in the event of evaporation or other damage, you can repair or adjust the jeans with washable markers.
7.)If you have clothes at home that you can no longer wear, you can donate them to the POP UP STORE and thus prolong their life (they must not be torn), you can buy new clothes in this pop up store. Or you can give your clothes to people around you who need help.

Shirts like shirts, dresses, cardigan or coat for slightly colder days
